Omniverse 連接工具 [ Visual Components × NVIDIA ]

Visual Components 的 Omniverse 連接工具是 Visual Components 的一個外掛程式。NVIDIA Omniverse 連接工具現在與 Visual Components 兼容,該連接工具實現了 Visual Components 和 Omniverse 之間的雙向通信。簡而言之,這意味著在 Visual Components 中對布局進行的任何更改都會即時地同步到 Omniverse 中,反之亦然 - 這樣在進行迭代或更改時就不需要不斷地導入導出文件

NVIDIA Omniverse

NVIDIA Omniverse™ 是一個計算平台,使個人和團隊能夠開發基於 Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) 的 3D 工作流程和應用程序

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Lotus, a top-of-the-line sports car brand has already been using Visual Components simulation solutions to plan its production systems with easy-to-use layout configuration and robot programming features.

The Lotus-SD Digital factory team has achieved a 20% faster tooling design for the Lotus Lambda model with Visual Components. With Omniverse, the Lotus SD-Digital factory team has set its course towards huge opportunities created by the digitalization of automotive production starting with Lotus Technology.

前往 Visit Visual Components Omnivers 官方網站


Please note that you need Visual Components 4.4 Premium or above to use these features. Contact us for more information.